44 Votes

Which movie got the most Oscar Nominations?

Info by Series Junkie | Last update on 2023-06-03 | Created on 2014-07-08

Titanic, Ben Hur and the third part of Lord of the Rings (The Return of the King) are holding with 11 Oscars the record of the highest and best honored films at the Oscars so far. But what about the Oscar nominations?

The following table shows a list of the movies with the most Oscar nominations so far. Included are all films with at least 10 nominations. In addition, the overview gives information about the year in which the movie was published and how many Oscars the film actually could win at the Academy Awards.

La La Land2017146
All About Eve1950146
Gone with the Wind19391310
From Here to Eternity1953138
Shakespeare in Love1998137
Forrest Gump1994136
Mary Poppins1964135
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?1966135
The Shape of Water2018134
Ben Hur19591211
The English Patient1996129
On the Waterfront1954128
My Fair Lady1964128
Dances with Wolves1990127
Schindler's List1993127
Mrs. Miniver1942126
The Revenant2016123
The Power of the Dog2022121
The Lord of the Rings III20031111
West Side Story19611110
Everything Everywhere All at Once2023117
Out of Africa1985117
The Godfather II1974116
Slumdog Millionaire2008108
Going My Way1944107
Lawrence of Arabia1962107
The Sting1973107
Star Wars1977107
Mad Max: Fury Road2016106
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood2020102
The Favourite2019101
The Irishman2020100

Thus, the films "Titanic", "La La Land" and "All About Eve" are the movies that have received the most Oscar nominations with 14 nominations so far. "Titanic" was at least able to transform 11 of these 14 nominations, while there were only six Oscars for "All About Eve" and "La La Land".

It is also noteworthy that the "Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King" could turn all of its 11 nominations. Apart from that "The Revenant" got 12 nominations but only 3 Oscars at the end (one of them was the first Oscar for Leonardo di Caprio).


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