00 Votes

Subfolders Bug?

Question by Guest | 2024-03-23 at 23:28

Hello. When I drag a folder, the program shows me the subfolders too.

I unchecked the flag on "search subfolders" in the option filters, but still it shows me the main folder and the subfolders in the list.


00 Votes

You have first added the folder and after that, you have unchecked the option?

  • You have to first check the option and then add the folder afterwards.

When adding a folder, the option that is active during searching for the files is relevant. After adding and having a complete list, you can not say any more whether a file was added individually or is coming from a sub folder search since this information is not saved for the list.
2024-03-24 at 02:46

ReplyPositive Negative
00 Votes

I just return to an old version of your program. With that I can drag a folder (to see the dimension) and the program show me just that single folder and not the subfolders too.

In the latest version of you program, I can't do it.

Can you tell me how to do it, please? Because I tried with different settings and I cannot reach my goal.

Thank you.
2024-03-24 at 07:18

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00 Votes

Which program version on what operating system are you using?

I have just tried it again with the current version on Windows, it works for me: With the filter "Search subfolders" on, subfolders are added when dragging a folder. With this option off, subfolders are not added when dragging a folder.
2024-03-24 at 23:38

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00 Votes

Window 10, 64 bit.

I just downloaded again the latest version of FilelistCreatorWin64.zip.

Now,... I extract the zip file, launch the app, reset the settings, choose Folders in the "include" menu, choose "filter" and uncheck "search subfolders", the I save the settings in the "Settings" menu.

I close the program, then open it again... drag and drop a folder with subfolders in it and...

The program still show me subfolders.

I just change to "Save to application directory" in the "storage opnions" in the settings menu.

The app create an FLS file name "start".


As I can see the subdirectories value is correct, but still show me subdirectories.

I have another versione of the program (20.1.15): it show me just the main directory, but if I change the setting to show me subdirectory too, it didn't work.

So, 2 different version of the program, 1 (the latest one) show me subfolders too, 1 (the old one) show me just the main folder, but the "search subfolders" option doesn't work in either version.

I don't understand...

In the storage option you can choose " save to directory provided by operating system".

Where is this directory?

I really want to thank you for your help.

If there is anything I can do to show you the problem, i dunno, like remote desktop, or a video, let me know.
2024-03-25 at 15:04

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00 Votes

Where the settings are saved is explained in this article: sttmedia.com/settings.

Is it possible that you have different settings saved in that folder as well as in the application folder that are interfering with each other?
2024-03-26 at 05:18

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