00 Votes

Two SIM cards for one mobile phone

Question by Guest | 2012-08-27 at 23:08

Currently, unfortunately I have two sim cards, that I need to use both parallel (private and business). Now, I have no desire to constantly carry around two cell phones, which is why I had the idea, to simply switch the SIM cards as needed.

Are there any objections or can I principally make it like that?

00 Votes

In principle, of course, you can do all that you want. But that's not useful. If you constantly take the phone apart to switch the sim cards, both, the mobile phone and the simcard will quickly go broken. That are all sensitive parts, not designed to be replaced every day.

And you must also ensure, that your phone has no SIM lock. Otherwise, it will only work with the provided simcard. You can unlock the phone after 2 years free of charge.
2012-08-30 at 16:19

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00 Votes

There were or there are also cell phones, where you can run two SIM cards simultaneously. As far as I know, this only works in succession. That is, there is only one active SIM card and you need to select one of the cards when you turn on the phone. So, you can not be accesible with both numbers at the same time, unless you set a call forwarding from one to the other SIM card, so that always both cards are "accessible". I suggest, you can go for some advice in this direction.

Alternatively, there are so-called dual sim adapter, you can also search for them on the Internet. With them, you can also use 2 sim cards in some regular phones. With every on and off switch, the other card is activated. Tip: Use the same PIN for both cards.
2012-08-29 at 23:09

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