00 Votes

Which SIM card do I need for an HTC One M9?

Question by Guest | 2016-05-01 at 15:12

Currently, I have still my Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini mobile phone and I want to buy the HTC One M9 smartphone in future. Do I need a new SIM card or can I use my old Samsung SIM for the new phone? Do both phones have the same card size?

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According to the Internet, the Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini needs a normal SIM card, so neither a Nano SIM nor a Micro SIM should fit.

On the other hand, the HTC One M9, needs a Nano SIM card.

So you can not simply take the SIM card you have, you should order a new one from your provider (I would not recommend to trim the old one).
2016-05-01 at 20:51

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