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Upgrade to LTE through Software Update or App

Question by Guest | 2018-01-19 at 23:17

Unfortunately, meanwhile, my smartphone is outdated and therefore does not support the new fast 4G LTE network, which I would really like to use.

Therefore, my question is, whether it would somehow be possible to nevertheless activate or make available LTE on this phone, for example by a software or firmware update or perhaps by an app to tune the old phone.

Would that be possible in principle? And if so, with which app or software can I get it?

0Best Answer0 Votes

Unfortunately, an update or upgrade to LTE is not possible without a change of the hardware. You can not teach your phone or smartphone to understand the LTE standard simply by installing new software or a new app.

Your smartphone should already have the technical requirements for LTE from the factory. This means, your smartphone must have an LTE antenna to understand the standard. Retrofitting something like that will either be hardly possible or be such a big effort that it's not worth it.
2018-01-20 at 12:25

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