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What do red dots on German Autobahn Signs mean?

Question by Visionary78 | 2018-01-31 at 23:15

By now, I have several times noticed red dots on signs on the German highway / motorway (autobahn). With these red points, certain exits and places seem to be marked.

Sometimes these dots appear, then they are gone again. Is there a system behind it? And what do the motorway dots mean at all?

2Best Answer2 Votes

With red (or also other colored) dots on highway signs, important or frequent diversions can be marked. For example, in the case of large traffic jams or construction works.

In such a case, you can follow the red dots and you know exactly how to ideally bypass or circumvent the traffic jam or construction work and where to drive and leave the motorway. The dots are typically installed, for example, during roadworks and then removed again.

Sometimes, in the traffic jam reports on the radio, it is announced that you can avoid the traffic jam on the route with the red dots.
2018-02-01 at 19:57

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