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WhatsApp: Manually update Contact List

Question by Baby3 | 2015-01-27 at 12:47

There are some contacts in the phone book of my smartphone that are not displayed in Whats App.

Is it somehow possible to refresh or update the contact list of WhatsApp manually to get all contacts up to date again?

PS: I already know that in WhatsApp, there are only those contacts shown, that also have installed WhatsApp on their device. For the missing contacts, I am sure that they have Whats App, too.

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There are two contact lists in WhatsApp: the one displayed directly after starting the app showing your recent conversations and those list containing all contacts available. The list containing all contacts has a menu entry "Refresh".

So, first of all, you have to navigate to the list with all contacts (you can use the plus symbol at the top right to go there).

After that, enter the menu (depending on your device this could be the left button on your smartphone or the button within the app with three dots).

After opening the menu, you can find the option "Refresh". With this, you can get your contact list up-to-date.
2015-01-27 at 17:26

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