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WhatsApp with temporary Transition Number

Question by Guest | 2015-01-30 at 16:05

I changed my cell phone contract and I would like to keep the mobile number from my old contract, which is also the number with which I am registered at Whats App. Unfortunately, the number transfer or number porting takes two weeks, so that I got a temporary transition number from my mobile provider for the meantime.

So far, so good. I wonder, whether I can continue using Whats App in this period of time. All of my contacts and groups are associated with my old number and I do not want to register with that shortly valid new number at Whats App because I will soon get back my old number so that it is not worth it.

Does someone have any experiences concerning this thing?

0Best Answer0 Votes

If you are still using your old smartphone in the transition period (on which you have already installed WhatsApp) and if you do not install WhatsApp new in that time, there should not be any problems. Some time ago, I also had a temporary transition number and I have just continued using my old phone with WhatsApp and was still reachable via my old number at Whats App at this time.

The only problem, I can imagine, is, if you get a new device and you have to completely reinstall WhatsApp on it. The problem arises from the fact, that you have to verify your mobile number during the installation process. That means, that Whats App is sending a text message containing a code to your mobile phone to check, whether the number is correct. Of course, this will only be possible if you are available at this number.
2015-02-01 at 00:15

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