22 Votes

WhatsApp: Write Asterisk instead of bold Font

Question by Mandy | Last update on 2022-04-24 | Created on 2017-09-26

Every time I want to write an asterisk in WhatsApp, Whats App is turning the font to a bold style. For example, when writing *_*, I am getting a bold stroke instead of *_*. It is the same for *g* which is resulting in a bold written g.

This is quite annoying. Is there any possibility to turn off this tiresome bold-writing-function?

8Best Answer10 Votes

Unfortunately, WhatsApp states on their website, that there is no possibility to deactivate this function.

Nevertheless, there is a trick you can use to display the asterisks: Just type before and after the asterisks the character ` for three times. This will be the result:

*g* becomes g

```*g*``` becomes *g*

Attention: It is not working with the usual apostrophe ' - it must be the oblique apostrophe `. You can find this character on the android keyboard at the top left of the second special character page.
Last update on 2022-04-24 | Created on 2017-09-26

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15 Votes

Since it is no longer possible to write asterisks normally, I am just writing a space between the asterisk and the text.

So, instead of writing *g* and *_*, I am just writing * g * and * _ * which outsmarts this annoying formatting function. You only have to hide the blanks from your mind.
2017-09-26 at 18:07

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