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WhatsApp: How to write bold, italic or crossed out

Question by Florabella | 2017-08-18 at 17:03

Recently a friend of mine surprised me with a WhatsApp text message in which some words were written in bold font. Of course, immediately, I wanted to know how this can be done, but she has not told me. Instead, she even used cursive and crossed words in your next message.

With copying her texts, I can also managed to write this way. However, I have not found any function for text formatting to write my own formatted texts. There is no formatting bar like it is available in text processors like Word.

Please, can someone help me and betray the trick? How is it possible to use bold, italic and strikethrough? How can I sent my own formatted messages in Whats App?

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You can control this formatting with the asterisk *, the underscore _ and the tilde ~.

If you surround one word or more words at the beginning and at the end with asterisks (see the example above), the corresponding text will be written in bold letters. Apart from that, the underscore is making the framed word italic and the tilde is crossing it:


By the way, you can also surprised your friend and surround the sentence with ``` (do not confound this character with '). This is even changing the font! Who knows whether your friend is already knowing that feature...
2017-08-18 at 19:19

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