00 Votes

Why do you snore after drinking alcohol?

Question by Guest | 2018-02-16 at 17:55

Every time I drink alcohol, I have to snore terribly. My wife already said I should only drink water and nothing else any more.

Interestingly, it seems to make no difference if I drank beer, wine or brandy. I do not have to be completely drunk, I am still snoring.

Can someone tell me why this is happening and what you can possibly do, so that the snoring stops?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Alcohol reduces the tension of your muscles. This affects not only the muscles of your arms and legs but also the respiratory muscles. And when the respiratory muscles are slack, they vibrate every time you breathe. This creates the snoring sound.

By the way, you can not do much against it. Except, of course, no alcohol in the evening.
2018-02-16 at 20:27

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