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Windows: Create Symlink to a File

Question by Compi | 2017-09-27 at 15:59

Is it actually also possible to create a symbolic link to a file on Windows?

On Linux, there is the command ln -s filepath for creating a symlink, but what about the operating system Windows? Is it also possible there? Obviously, Windows does not know the command ln, I always get the error message "The command ln is either misspelled or could not be found.".

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You can create symbolic links also on Windows. However, command and syntax are differing from Linux. On Windows, you are using mklink instead of ln.

mklink C:\path\to\symlink C:\path\to\file

After mklink, first you have to specify your desired symlink and then you have to pass the linked file respectively the target.

If you want to connect to folder with a symlink, you have two pass of the parameter /d additionally:

mklink /d C:\path\to\symlink C:\path\to\folder

By default, mklink is creating a file symbolic link. With /d, you are able to create a directory symbolic link.
2017-09-27 at 16:58

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