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Windows keyboard shortcut for switching between monitor and projector

Question by Guest | 2016-11-04 at 23:25

Is there any key combination on Windows available with which you can show this change dialog for the primary screen output? I mean this window in which you can switch between monitor, projector only, duplicate, extend and so on.

I know that you can call this window via the Control Panel "Display" and "Connect to a projector", but in the long run going this way again and again is quite inconvenient. Because I am often changing between multiple screens, monitors and projectors, I would prefer a fix shortcut for the keyboard.

How can I configure such a keyboard combination or is there anyone still available?

1Best Answer1 Vote

You do not have to configure a keyboard shortcut for this manually, Windows is providing it automatically:

Just keep the Windows key hold while pressing the key P. The key combination is WIN + P.
2016-11-05 at 19:58

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