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Windows Media Creation Tool: Fix Something Happened Error

Question by Guest | 2015-08-15 at 19:10

Today, I have tried to execute the Media Creation Tool delivered by Microsoft on my Windows 7 computer. I wanted to download the setup files of Windows 10 in order to create an ISO Image respectively a bootable USB stick.

For users of Windows 7 and 8.1, the upgrade to Windows 10 is supposed to be free, so it would like to use it. And as I have heard, this Windows 10 Media Creation Tool should make the installation easier.

However, all I get is the following error message "Something happened 0x80070002 - 0x20016". Short before, there is the message that Windows 10 Media is created, so the download seems to work, but then it breaks.

Can someone help me what I can make to run this program and what about this error?

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This error can have several causes.

Please have a look at the following things:

  • Make sure you have enough disk space available. If the download has already been canceled before, please delete the content from the folder C:\$Windows.~WS (also remove the content from the recycling bin).
  • Ensure that if you are using a 64 bit version of Windows 7, you also have to use of the 64 bit version of the Media Creation Tool, otherwise the corresponding 32 bit version.
  • Make sure that you are running the Media Creation Tool within an administrator account on Windows 7 or 8.1 - not under a normal user account. It is not sufficient to only run the tool as administrator.
  • Even the old Windows 7 or 8.1 must be up to date. Install all updates that are available, the Creation Tool can also fail because your Windows is not up to date.
  • The download can be faulty, if necessary, download it again.
  • Virus scanners can interfere with the update process, disable or even uninstall them completely if necessary.
  • Under certain circumstances your old version of Windows could be not activated properly. Since the update requires a proper activation, a new activation of the system can help.
  • Open Regedit and go to the path "Computer > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > WindowsUpdate > OSUpgrade". After that, right click in to this path and create a new value by selecting "New > DWORD (32-bit) value" from the context menu. Give it the name "AllowOSUpgrade" and the value 1 in the basis hexadecimal.

I think that if you are keeping all of this things in mind, you should be able to run your update.
2015-08-15 at 19:33

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