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Windows: Run Program - Keyboard Shortcut

Question by Guest | 2016-05-04 at 22:09

In my opinion it is quite cumbersome to always have to click the Start button and then on Run for getting the Windows dialog for executing applications. I mean this Run box in which you can type a name of the program, document, folder or application in order to execute or open it.

Isn't there any key combination for this step on the Windows operating system?

0Best Answer0 Votes

The keyboard shortcut is WIN + R.

You have to press the key for the letter R with pressing the Windows key at the same time.

After pressing this key combination, the input field of the run-box will immediately get the focus, so that you can instantly type or enter the name of the program. After typing, you can directly press your enter key so that you do not need your mouse anymore.
2016-05-05 at 10:02

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