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Word and OpenOffice: Prevent Line Breaks between Number and Unit

Question by Guest | 2015-02-13 at 21:09

I have a document containing some measurements and percentages and I do not want the word processing program to automatically wrap the line between number and unit or percent sign. For example, when writing 1 % or 1 km, value and unit should always stand together.

Meanwhile, I have tried it in Microsoft Word as well as Open Office Writer. I do not care about the text software I am using, but I do not want the program to break lines at that position. Unfortunately, both programs are actually wrapping the line in the case that the number is written at the end of a line.

How can I prevent this line breaking? Or do I need some special professional software because this cannot be done with conventional word processors?

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You are searching for the so-called non-breaking space. If this kind of blank is written between two words or characters, the line will not be broken at this position.

You can use the non-breaking space in OpenOffice as well as Microsoft Word. Here is an instruction:

You can also keep the ALT key pressed while you are typing the numbers 0160 on your numberpad to insert another great space system wide and not program specific. With this, you can work in both programs.
2015-02-13 at 22:24

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