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Xcode iOS Simulator: How to close an App

Question by Guest | 2017-10-01 at 04:46

If you want to test an app in the iOS emulator of Xcode and click on "Run", the app automatically starts immediately in the simulator.

Unfortunately, I have not found any possibility to close or exit this app in the simulator again to get access to the normal smartphone menu of the simulated iPhone mobile device. How can I do that?

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In order to close an app, you have to simulated the double tap on the home button. There is the following key combination available for doing that:

  • ⌘ + Shift + H (twice)

It is important that you press the H key two times in a row to imitate the double tap correctly.

Afterwards, you can see the screenshots of all running apps, which can be clicked with the mouse for opening them. It is also possible to swipe those apps away (with pressed mouse button), then you can see and access the normal menu.
2017-10-01 at 22:32

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