00 Votes

Xcode: iOS Simulator is too big for my Screen

Question by Guest | 2017-09-29 at 17:05

I am in the process of making my first experiences with Xcode and creating my own iOS apps for the iPhone and the iPad.

Up to now, I have already succeeded in starting a small example app in the iOS emulator of Xcode. However, the problem is that this simulator is much too large so that it is larger than my screen dimensions. I cannot test my app in this way! Isn't there any possibility to minimize the window size of the emulator?

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By default, the simulator is starting with a size of 100%. Because smartphones are equipped with very large resolutions today, this resolution can easily expand the resolution of your screen. That is why the simulator extends beyond the screen edge in this case.

However, you can change the size of the emulator in the menu:

  • Window > Scale

Here you can specify a size between 25 and 100 percent.

Alternatively, you can also use a keyboard shortcut:

  • ⌘ + 1: 100%
  • ⌘ + 2: 75%
  • ⌘ + 3: 50%
  • ⌘ + 4: 33%
  • ⌘ + 5: 25%

Just press the CMD key ⌘ together with a number from 1 to 5 in order to adjust the simulator size.
2017-09-30 at 10:36

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