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On AskingBox since 2012-01-13 | 6 Questions | 7 Answers | 5 best Answers


Topics by Ladybird

Last Comments by Ladybird

There are several ways to use your garden for more independence. Here are a few ideas: Grow your own...

Question | How to us my garden for more independence?

The problem with citrus fruits, bananas or other fruits and vegetables that have traveled far around the world is that...

Question | Compost: May I throw citrus fruits or bananas on the compost heap?

Generally, you should always cook fungi before eating. However, mushrooms are an exception. They are the only...

Question | Can you eat uncooked mushrooms?

Mushrooms should be stored open in the fridge. Above all, it is important to free the mushrooms from their...

Question | How should I keep my mushrooms?

The frustration free packaging is a Amazon initiative for waste reducing and to spare customers the frustration of...

Question | Amazon: What is the frustration-free packaging?

My tip: Place a dish of water in the oven or splash some water on the floor of the oven. This provides the necessary...

Question | Frozen pizza without hard crust