-24 Votes

Frozen pizza without hard crust

Question by Florabella | 2012-07-17 at 09:22

For a long time, I am annoying about the following: Whenever I would like to eat a frozen pizza, the edge of the pizza is hard as a rock after baking, really inedible.

Has anyone a tip to prevent this crust, so that the borders remain edible? Thank you.

00 Votes

I always do the following: If I buy a frozen pizza, additionally, I also buy a little grated cheese in a bag to put this extra cheese on the top and on the edge of the pizza.

First, this makes the margin becoming not so hard, because it is covered and secondly, I think, on the pizza, there is always too little covering anyway, so that the addition of cheese is very handy for me. Sometimes, I even pack some additional covering on my frozen pizza.
2012-07-17 at 10:02

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00 Votes

Presumably, you keep your pizza too long in the oven and maybe, you set your oven too hot. I have made rather bad experiences with the values stated on the package (often, 50 degrees less are enough). Also, you should better trust your feeling and your eyes than the clock to check whether the pizza is already done.

I recommend preheating the oven, so that the pizza will not have to be so long in it. Then, the probability that the entire wetness evaporates from the edge is relatively small.
2012-07-20 at 19:02

ReplyPositive Negative
22 Votes

My tip: Place a dish of water in the oven or splash some water on the floor of the oven. This provides the necessary moisture in the air and the pizza remains supple.
2012-07-18 at 11:50

ReplyPositive Negative

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