Movies awarded with the most Oscars
Info by Series Junkie | Last update on 2023-06-03 | Created on 2014-07-08
What film has received the most Oscars at the Academy Awards so far? This question cannot be answered explicitly since 1998.
Three Movies are holding the Record
The movie "Gone with the Wind" (1939) received a total of 10 Oscars in 1940 and was the most successful film with the most Oscars for a long time.
In 1960, Ben-Hur (1959) got 11 Oscars, setting a new record. Also in 1998 and only a short time later in 2004, "Titanic" (1997) and the third part of "The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King" (2003) won 11 Oscars.
So, there are now a total of 3 films that have to share the first place with the most Oscars awarded by the famous film awards ceremony.
Categories in which the Films got their Oscars
The following table shows the Oscar categories in which the three films got their Oscars.
Oscar | Ben Hur | Titanic | LOTR III |
Best Picture | yes | yes | yes |
Best Director | yes | yes | yes |
Best Production Design | yes | yes | yes |
Best Film Editing | yes | yes | yes |
Best Sound Mixing | yes | yes | yes |
Best Costume Design | yes | yes | yes |
Best Cinematography | yes | yes | - |
Best Original Score | yes | yes | yes |
Best Original Song | - | yes | yes |
Best Visual Effects | yes | yes | yes |
Best Actor in a Leading Role | yes | - | - |
Best Actor in a Supporting Role | yes | - | - |
Best Sound Editing | - | yes | - |
Best Adapted Screenplay | - | - | yes |
Best Make-up | - | - | yes |
Each movie was priced in the categories Best Picture, Best Director, Best Production Design, Best Film Editing, Best Sound Mixing, Best Costume Design and Best Original Score.
Ranking: Movies with the most Oscars
In the following table, I have also listed the second and third rank of the movies with the most Oscars. After "Gone with the Wind", only the movie "West Side Story" has succeeded in getting 10 Oscars.
Movie | Oscars | Nominations | Year |
Titanic | 11 | 14 | 1997 |
Ben Hur | 11 | 12 | 1959 |
Lord of the Rings III | 11 | 11 | 2003 |
Gone with the Wind | 10 | 13 | 1939 |
West Side Story | 10 | 11 | 1961 |
The English Patient | 9 | 12 | 1996 |
Gigi | 9 | 9 | 1958 |
The Last Emperor | 9 | 9 | 1987 |
In this table, you can also see the number of Oscar nominations each film got. It is notable, that only "The Lord of the Rings" made it to win each of its nomination and that "La La Land" only got 6 Oscars while it was like "Titanic" nominated for 14 categories.
In the table of movies with the most Oscar nominations, you can find more details about the nominations and other nominated films.
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