11 Vote

Women have handbags. But where can men put their things?

Question by Superhero2012 | 2018-04-16 at 15:23

Often I envy women for the possibility to take a handbag with them to store their things therein.

Although women usually have much more things than men (make-up for refreshing etc), also men have luggage: The cell phone, writing things, papers, car keys, something to drink and even the wallet often looks stupid with a corresponding size and/or in combination with certain clothes or suits. You can also barely transport car keys and smartphone in the same pocket (scratching). Okay, the other trouser pocket is there, but usually already occupied with the purse. So nothing but problems!

So what can you do as a man? Where to go with cell phone and co? Do you have an idea?

33 Votes

Well, I always make it easy for me: I just pack all the things in my girlfriend's handbag.

Of course, doing that is sometimes cruddy, for example if you lose her on your way and then you do not have money or car key anymore. But it is practical.
2018-04-16 at 22:15

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11 Vote

There are also handbags for men. However, I usually find that more than gay! So, you really have to pay attention to the model.

Otherwise, many men also take backpacks or cloth bags. Backpacks are usually very inappropriate, especially if you are dressed a little better. It always has something of the schoolboy when I see a man with a backpack and that does not have to be! I find cloth bags already better, this looks harmless and you get a lot of things into them. But I would not take these standard bags in cotton-beige but a more noble black made of a firmer material. That's always possible.
2018-04-17 at 15:44

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The stuffed bag is a good idea when traveling around in town or something. But what if you go out?! For example, in the disco. Since I can not imagine running around with a cloth bag there...
2018-04-17 at 23:04

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I always make sure that I have enough big pockets on my jacket and pants. I have actually stored everything there.

The best in this respect were the baggy pants from the 90s! I got more things in all those big pockets than any woman in her hand purse!
2018-04-18 at 22:02

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I have a problem with my pants pockets somehow. Important papers crease there and cell phones get scratches (okay you can take covers, but this is only wasting more of the little pocket space).

So I'd rather have a solution where I can store things well without such problems, like women in their handbags.
2018-04-19 at 17:12

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00 Votes

Then just take a handbag with you as a man! 

I have nothing against it!

Equal rights for all !!
2018-04-19 at 18:28

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Maybe a little tip from me: I usually do it this way: When I go shopping, I make sure that I get a plastic bag of sufficient size from any store relatively quickly. Then, I pack all my things that I had previously in my hand or in my pocket into this bag.

No one will say anything if you are traveling with a grocery bag and you do not have the problem of stigmatizing with the men's handbag!
2018-04-20 at 15:59

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