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How do tattoo artists practice?

Question by Baby3 | 2018-05-13 at 21:20

I've been wondering for a long time how to practice tattooing. Are there actually people who provide their skin for the first attempts of a tattooer? There are also hairdressing exercises where people are cut for free so that an apprentice can practice it. But every bad hairstyle will grow out after some time. A tattoo remains. Who does something like that??

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Do not worry, tattoo artists do not do their first attempts and exercises on human skin. Nobody then has to spend all his life walking around with the terrible first attempts of a yound tattooist.

Instead, the skin of a dead pig is used. The advantage with the pig is that the skin resembles the human skin and the skin has no coat. This allows tattoo artists to practice on patient dead skin before stinging the first human skin.
2018-05-14 at 16:06

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