Beauty, Fashion, Shopping and Lifestyle

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Wearing belts tighter than needed?

Do you ever tighten your belts more than absolutely necessary and for what...

Question | 4 Answers

Tight Jeans and Belts for the Look or for the Feeling?

What do you like or dislike about really tight jeans or dresses or belts pulled tighter than necessary, on yourself and others?? The look? The...

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Why do some people wear their belts tight?

I love pulling my belt tight. It gives me such a lovely feeling inside. I don't wear a tight belt that can be seen, if it is very tight. I often...

Open Question | 3 Answers

How to select a beauty style suitable for myself?

As we all know, most of the girls are always obsessed with beauty and fashion style. But how to select a suitable fashion style is not that easy....

Question | 3 Answers

What is an Ankle Jeans?

Recently a saleswoman spoke of a so-called "ankle jeans". Of course, I did not dare to ask anyone in the business what that could be. That's why I...

Question | 1 Answer

Tights do not hold and rip quickly! What can I do?

I have a serious problem! Tights usually do not hold an evening for me and like to tear, which of course is not nice! I always take extra 2 spare...

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New Answers and Comments

Guest: The same for me. A tight, wide belt make me...

Question | Why do some people wear their belts tight?

Guest: Unfortunately, Hand/Body creams & Hair products add to the yellowness of the nail...

Question | Gel nails turning yellow after a few days

Guest: Wear big wide belts cruelly tight. Pull them hard to the last notch. Intensely enjoy the terrible pain and when you think that's enough, then...

Question | Tight Belt around the Waist - How do you like that?

Guest: I think, this theory is very interesting and I will try it the next days. I have also heard from some of my friends that they rather like to walk on...

Info | What do you think about the High Heels Formula?

Guest: I have had this happen twice. I figured out that it is radiation. The first time was from overexposure in the salon while curing the nail. The...

Question | Gel nails turning yellow after a few days

Guest: And what are those people...

Question | Wearing belts tighter than needed?

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Jeans too tight after washing

Question | 5 Answers

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