33 Votes

Adobe Flash Player: Green Screen instead of Video

Question by SkyMan | Last update on 2021-05-12 | Created on 2013-02-13

Recently, I got a strange problem with my Adobe Flash Player in the browser. When playing a video (for example on YouTube), instead of the image, a green screen is displayed. Oddly, only the image is not working, the sound is played correctly.

The problem exists in all browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome), so it seems to be the Flash Player. Can someone help me?

5Best Answer7 Votes

This can result from different reasons. I have collected some of those in this list. Try out the first solution and if this is not working, try the next one.

  1. Right click on the video, click on "Settings" and disable the checkbox "Hardware Acceleration" in the "Display" area. Try out to play the video.
  2. If the video is not playing, install the newest version of the Flash Player. If you already have installed the newest version, deinstall it and install it for another time. Try again to play the video.
  3. If it is still not playing, the graphic card can cause the problems. Try to install the graphic card drivers again.

Have fun with the videos!
Last update on 2021-05-12 | Created on 2013-02-15

ReplyPositive Negative
00 Votes

Tip number 1 worked for me! Thanks for the help! Was afraid to have to buy a new graphic card.
2021-04-16 at 20:24

Positive Negative

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