00 Votes

App Icon sometimes disappears from Smartphone

Question by Lily | 2016-07-22 at 14:50

I have a strange problem with my mobile phone. The icon of one of my apps sometimes is not visible after starting the phone, sometimes, it is there.

From time to time, it even disappears in between times. It can also not be found via the menu, so that I have no way to click my app.

Does someone have a similar problem or even a solution for that behavior? How can I access my application again?

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Sometimes ago, I exactly had the same problem. In my case, the program was of that I had not installed the app to the usual phone memory but on the external memory card instead.

After deinstalling and reinstalling the app to the phone memory again, the problem was away and the app always visible. Maybe, this can also help in your case.

I cannot say exactly, why it can come to this error. Presumably, the smartphone sometimes cannot detect the memory card correctly or too late or not at all so that the programs installed there sometimes are not displayed.
2016-07-22 at 23:06

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