00 Votes

Audio Tag Info from WMA Files

Question by DavidW | 2024-03-27 at 18:42

Hello, I have just begun using FilelistCreator to catalog my digital music collection. On mp3 files, tag info comes across as expected. On wma files, those columns (e.g. Album, Artist, Track) are usually (but not always) blank, even though I can see those tags in Windows File Explorer.

Any ideas? Thanks!

11 Vote

Please send me such a file that is not displaying the information.

Then I will have a look at it.
2024-03-27 at 21:34

ReplyPositive Negative
11 Vote

Thank you. I just replied to the email you sent today, with one of the files attached.
2024-03-27 at 21:58

Positive Negative
2Best Answer2 Votes

I have just analyzed your file using the FileAnalyzer and found the problem, there were some uncommon structures in it.

Based on that knowledge, I have just created and published a new version of the FilelistCreator, you can download it from my website. It is now working for your file.

Can you test whether it also works now for your other files, too?
2024-03-28 at 05:06

Positive Negative

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