22 Votes

Filelist Creator: Audio Information from MP3, WMA, OGG, FLAC and M4A-Files

Question by Mail Request | 2017-05-22 at 18:52

Today I have tried the application FilelistCreator for creating a list of my music collection. It is working like a charm, but there is one exception: for my FLAC and M4A music files, the audio tag information from the fields "artist", "title", "album", "track" and so on are not read out. However, it is working as expected for the formats MP3, WMA and OGG.

Have I overlooked any necessary setting or option for that? Or is it not intended to read out this information also from FLAC and M4A songs?

2Best Answer2 Votes

At the moment, the Filelist Creator is only supporting reading out audio tag information from MP3, WMA and OGG files.

  • Update from August 11, 2017: Now the program also supports MP3, WMA, OGG, FLAC, SPX and OPUS files.
  • Update from October 21, 2022: The program now also supports M4A and some more other file formats.
  • To the overview of all supported formats.

The corresponding columns will only be filled for the supported file types and accordingly the columns will stay empty for each other format.

Adding the support also for other formats is already a point on my to-do list and at some time in future, the application can also be able to understand other audio formats.
Last update on 2022-10-21 | Created on 2017-05-23

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