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Desert Driving - How to improve Traction of Vehicles

Question by Guest | 2013-10-20 at 12:26

How to improve traction of vehicles in desert? There are various means like reducing the tyre pressure, having sand tyres fitted on the vehicle etc.

However there must be some innovative means to improve the mobility of the vehicle over sand. Can someone help me out with some ideas or innovations for improving traction of a 4x4 veh.

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First of all, it depends on the ground of the desert. Is it fine sand, rough sand, a mixture with stones or probably even muddy sand?

I think, some of the most important thinks, you have already listed in your post. Indispensable it is to use a all wheel drive. This will give you the best performance, even if the front wheels do not have any grip, the rear wheels will support the drive.

The second thing that is vital is to have the right tire tread, because the most important thing is to prevent a wheelspin. The best is to have some thing around your wheel such as chains or even heavy spikes. A real innovation can lay in the right spikes especially designed for a specific ground. Big wheels can be another idea.

But next to those physical things it is important to have the right driving style: here it should not come to any sudden accelerations or hard curves.

I hope I could help you a bit.
2013-10-21 at 00:52

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