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What is a desert day?

Question by Enky | 2017-07-01 at 18:03

The weather report recently talked about a desert day.

Is this a well-defined term for meteorology, or did the weatherman just say that because it was going to be very hot that day?

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A desert day is when the highest temperature of the day is at least 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit) or higher.

The term may not be so common, but has been defined by the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI) for exactly this temperature.

By the way, the counterpart to the desert days is the tropical night, in which the lowest temperature of the entire night does not fall below 20 degrees (68 °F). Other terms are: "summer's day" when it is at least 25 degrees (77 °F) and "hot day" for days with a temperature over 30 degrees (86 °F).
2017-07-01 at 23:50

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