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Difference between Leggings, Jeggings and Treggings

Question by Guest | 2016-01-15 at 12:14

The fashion designers are crazy! I have the feeling that every time I go shopping, there are other clothes with other new names and new recreations in the fashion shops.

Recently, I was confused about the times Leggings, Jeggings and Treggings. For me personally, all of those clothing was looking the same in the shop. Even the fashion saleswoman could you not tell me the difference.

Nevertheless, now I am just curious: What is exactly the difference between those models and how is it possible to recognize them?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Leggings is derived from the word "leg" and it is just a kind of generic term for skintight or very tight trousers. In most cases, Leggings are made of a mixture of cotton, Lycra (spandex), nylon or polyester. This ensures the required elasticity of the material.

Jeggings and Treggings are special types of Leggings. The term Jeggings is composed of "Jeans" and "Leggings". Accordingly, this is the name for Leggings looking like Jeans, for example Leggings with printed jeans patterns. It is similar with Treggings. This term is composed of "Trousers" and "Leggings". So, a Treggings is a Leggings in trousers look or print.
2016-01-15 at 13:21

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Of course, Lipstick is right, here is the abstract:

Jeggings = Jeans + Leggings
Treggings = Trousers + Legging

So, Leggings in Jeans Look or in Trouser Look are meant.
2016-01-15 at 17:29

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