22 Votes

Latest Fashion Trend: Meggings

Article by Queen90 | 2013-04-14 at 18:53

After leggings and jeggings, the latest fashion trend from the U.S. is: meggings!

Meggings is an artificial word composed of the two words "men" and "leggings" - with other words: skin tight leggings for men are now fashionable! Especially in New York, this fashion has spread rapidly.

What do you think about this trend? Would you wear meggings as a man? And what are women thinking about it? Are meggings a no-go or a must-have for the saison?

22 Votes

I think: Everyone should wear what he or she wants to wear. Nobody should be swayed by others in his or her opinion or thoughts. So, my opinion is: If you men would like to wear meggings, you should wear them. That's fine by me.
2013-04-14 at 22:33

ReplyPositive Negative
02 Votes

I have to tell, I have nothing against tight things on men. Even, I really like tight men fashion much better than loose-fitting clothes, otherwise you can see nothing of the figure. For me, all the men could wear skin-tight jeans every day.

But I also think, meggings does not fit to men. I think men should wear heavier, more masculine materials, such as jeans, for example. So, for me, Lycra or a glossy material of leggings is not really male. Therefore, my thumbs go down for meggings - even if those meggings admittedly fit well with today's male image.
2013-04-15 at 01:10

ReplyPositive Negative

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