00 Votes

Should I shave my legs as a man?

Question by Guest | 2018-01-05 at 21:34

That shaved legs of women and girls are looking better than stubble and uncontrolled hair growth is out of question. However, when I am doing sports (all people are wearing short shorts), there are more and more men shaving their legs as well.

I am still very surprised by this sight. For example, if I first see the legs of someone and only look at the person from bottom to top, I always think first that I have a woman in front of me.

Nevertheless, it all brought me something to think about. Does the woman of today expect that even man are shaving their legs? Is that the emancipation or something about equal rights discussion? I'm not sure. Should I also shave or is this just a passing trend of the metrosexual wave?

00 Votes

Please dear men, stay men! You do not have to copy everything that the media tell you or what your girlfriend does in the bathroom in the morning.

I go for real men who do not put on make-up, who are leaving their hair even a bit longer (three days beard) and do not need longer in the bathroom than me. Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer of these men today.
2018-01-06 at 10:43

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Shaved male legs do not look masculine at all. I would always think that I have a woman there in front of me.

Especially this smooth skin does not even fit into a male body. My opinion.
2018-01-07 at 14:26

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I do not think it's bad, but I do not think it's male either.

What I find even worse are these extreme hair masses that some men are having on their legs. That always reminds me of a monkey.

Nevertheless, I would prefer any normal hair growth insted of the shaving.
2018-01-08 at 15:55

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Some men also have to shave their legs because of their sports. Examples are, for example, swimmers or cyclists. In that case, the men may not do it voluntarily.
2018-01-08 at 16:30

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