00 Votes

Does he love me or my body?

Question by Guest | 2018-06-20 at 11:36

I have a little problem with my boyfriend that I would rather discuss anonymously here. It's about the question of whether he is really in love with me or just wants my body.

We've been together for five months now, so I've had enough time to think about the problem. On the one hand, he tries to seduce me at every opportunity, even if he actually should know that I just do not want to (eg because I have other problems that moment). On the other hand, somehow he never wants to do anything else with me. He never has his own ideas, when we meet and when not sleep together we only watch TV or DVDs all the time. That can not be everything?!

That's why I wonder if he just uses me to satisfy his hunger for s** and I do not care about him otherwise. If he was more interested in me, he would rather want to do something with me and we would like to have a good time, I think.

00 Votes

That is the moment only one thing can help! S**-withdrawal! I would not sleep with him for at least a month! Instead, just do something what you really want. He seems to have quite settled in, in his role to always get what he wants.

Once you decide what is done and what not and he does not get his s**, you'll see if he wants you or just your body!
2018-06-20 at 23:46

ReplyPositive Negative
00 Votes

That's the way men are! It is an illusion that men bring many ideas into a relationship. Such a man is only there on TV!
2018-06-21 at 16:10

ReplyPositive Negative

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