11 Vote

Filelist Creator: How can I set depth in folder levels?

Question by Guest | 2019-08-29 at 19:03

Your software is wonderful! It already got 5 stars!

It seems to me, however, that you cannot set the maximum search depth between folders. For example: establish that files and folders must be extracted up to the maximum third level of depth.

It would be great!

1Best Answer1 Vote


At the moment, there is no filter option available to search files according to their folder depth. I have put this point on my todo list for the program.

Up to the time, the function will be implemented, you can do the following workaround: Activate the column "Folder Level", sort your list according to the level and remove all files with a greater folder deepness than you want.
2019-08-30 at 01:35

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