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Google Maps in another Language

Question by Guest | 2024-07-21 at 10:35

Google Maps is always automatically displayed in the language that is set as the preferred language of the browser.

However, I would sometimes like to display the country names and cities in a different language. For example, in Spanish instead of English. Unfortunately, I haven't found any language settings for this.

Does anyone know if this is possible?

2Best Answer2 Votes

You can easily set the language of Google Maps using the URL in your browser. For example, to see the countries and cities in Spanish, you can just use the following URL:


With the hl parameter you can pass an arbitrary language code. For example also "hl=fr" for French, "hl=en" for English or "hl=de" for German (Deutsch).
2024-07-21 at 17:06

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