00 Votes

Highest Result in the Semifinals of a Football World Cup

Question by Hero12 | Last update on 2022-11-07 | Created on 2019-03-09

Unforgettable the 7 - 1 in the semifinals of the 2014 World Cup for Germany in the game against Brazil.

I wonder if it was football history that we have seen there. Or has there ever been a semi-final of a World Cup with a better result?

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It was indeed football history that we have seen there.

Never before has a team won with a higher score in the semifinals of a World Cup and never before has there been such a scorching match in a World Cup semi-final. Germany 7-1 against Brazil on 8 July 2014 is unique.

Previously, the highest score was a 6-1 in a World Cup semi-final and that's 60 years ago. Germany was also involved in this result in 1954, but Uruguay and Argentina have already achieved similar results in a semi-final. Here is a small list of the best semi-final games in World Cup history:

Date, WC LocationTeamsResult
8.7.2014, BrazilGermany - Brazil7-1
30.6.1954, SwitzerlandGermany - Austria6-1
27.7.1930, UruguayUruguay - Yugoslavia6-1
26.7.1930, UruguayArgentina - USA6-1

Since July 8, 2014, we finally have a clear first place.

You can also check out my list of the highest victories in football history. There I have put together other records from World Cups, European Championships, international matches and the first league.
Last update on 2022-12-20 | Created on 2019-03-09

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