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Holiday trip without transfer - What does that mean?

Question by SillyGirl | 2018-03-11 at 14:30

I am currently comparing offers for my next vacation. For some offers there is the remark "without transfer".

Can someone explain what exactly that means? In my opinion, transfer would actually be the flight, but it should be included in the price, as far as I know. What then means "without transfer"?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Transfer is how you get from the airport to your hotel.

If you book with transfer, you will be picked up by the tour operator at the airport, for example, by a bus shuttle, which will then bring you to your hotel. Mostly, these buses make a round and drive to several hotels in succession.

Without transfer, you would have to take care of yourself to come to the hotel. Sometimes you can ask the hotel if you can be picked up for a small fee, otherwise you could take a local taxi for example. The easiest, and probably also the cheapest way, is certainly to book directly "with transfer".
2018-03-12 at 14:07

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