22 Votes

How to ask your boss to increase your salary?

Question by Chloe | 2019-09-19 at 09:35

How to ask your boss to increase salary? It feels embarrassed to ask that kind of question. I feel my workload is far more than my salary. I think I deserve more money. How to talk to my boss?

2Best Answer2 Votes

First of all, you should realize what you are worth and what you are doing for your company. If you say that it feels embarrassed to ask, your boss will notice that and will think that you're not worth the better salary.

If you are feeling comfortable with that idea of getting more money, you have to consider the best time to ask. The end of a successful project you have managed is a good time. At bad time is when your boss is in hurry, has other problems or is otherwise in a bad mood.

Before talking to your boss, you have to collect arguments. Are there others getting more money than you doing the same job? What is your market value? What are the best arguments to get more money? What will the arguments of your boss be? With all that in mind, you can go into the discussion.

And even if it is not possible to pay you more money, perhaps, you can suggest to get some other advantages for your work. So, for example, better working hours, free meals, etc.
2019-09-19 at 23:10

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00 Votes

Thank you for your thought. It's really embarrassing to ask that question. But I think I deserve what I ask. I will pick the right moment and talk to her. Thank you. Have a nice day.
2019-09-27 at 04:02

Positive Negative
00 Votes

I wish you very much luck with your negotiation!

If you should have other questions after your conversation, feel free to ask us.
2019-09-27 at 15:18

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