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Is it possible to play a DVD with a Blue-Ray Player?

Question by Guest | 2018-01-03 at 18:53

I would like to buy a new BlueRay player, but I also have a large collection of old DVDs, which I would also like to watch from time to time.

In other words, a Blue-Ray player would be useless for me, if it is not possible to play a normal DVD with it.

Can someone tell me if new Blue-Ray players are backwards compatible with the DVD standard and you can play a DVD with a Blue-Ray player?

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Every Blue-Ray player should be able to play DVDs as well as Blue-Rays. That is part of the standard.

If you want to be one hundred percent sure, you should look at the player's box before buying. There should be also the DVD icon next to the Blue-Ray symbol on it. Or DVDs are listed in the list of supported formats.
2018-01-04 at 09:27

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