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VLC Media Player: Time is not displayed

Question by Guest | 2014-03-21 at 22:58

I have just installed the new version of VLC Media Play (really the best tool to play videos I know) and somehow the display of the time is disappeared.

When I used the player in its last installation, at the bottom right, there was a little box in which the elapsed or remaining time of the video was displayed. After the new installation, this box is not there anymore.

Have the developers removed this in the new version? Or is there a way to display it again? At the moment, I do not know, how many minutes I have already watched. Thank you.

3Best Answer3 Votes

Just click with the right mouse button somewhere on the player.

Then click on "View" and select "Status Bar".

After that, the time should be visible again.
2014-03-21 at 23:01

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