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DVD with Region Code 0 playable in DVD player without problems?

Question by Shop Me | 2014-04-24 at 09:17

Today, I got a DVD that I had ordered at Amazon. With horror I have seen on the DVD box that the Region Code or Country Code is specified as 0.

In my country, we have another Region Code than 0. Perhaps this was the reason, that the DVD was so cheap?!

Now my question is whether I can nevertheless play the DVD in my DVD player or whether this can lead to some problems. Some time ago, I have heard that a DVD player can automatically change its settings when trying to play a DVD with a wrong regional code what can make all of my other DVDs not running anymore.

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Do not worry, the DVD should be playable in your DVD player without any problems.

However, officially, there are only the region codes 1 to 8, but there are also region free DVDs. These DVDs are sometimes also referred as Country Code 0, Region 0, R0 or Regional Code 0.

Probably, the DVD you have ordered is such a DVD without any region code. That means, you can play it in every DVD player worldwide.

More information you can find in my article about DVD Regional Lockouts and their technical implementation.
Last update on 2022-09-22 | Created on 2014-04-24

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