44 Votes

Which player has twice won the Football World Cup?

Question by Wolta | Last update on 2022-12-21 | Created on 2018-06-25

Has there ever been a player who has twice or even three times won the Football World Cup as a player in his career?

I really mean that he was also a player in the finals and was not just sitting on the bench or otherwise involved, for example, as a coach.

4Best Answer4 Votes

There was only one single player in football history, who has won a Football World Cup for three times:

  • Pelé: 1958, 1962 and 1970 for Brazil

However, Pelé was only in 1958 and 1970 on the square in the finals. In 1962, Pelé injured during the preliminary round in the second game and was not set afterwards.

Apart from that, it has occurred several times that players have won a World Cup twice:

  • Cafu: 1994 and 2002 for Brazil
  • Didi, Gilmar, Djalma Santos, Nílton Santos, Mário Zagallo, Garrincha, Zito and Vavá: 1958 and 1962 for Brazil
  • Giovanni Ferrari and Giuseppe Meazza: 1934 and 1938 for Italy

All of the listed players have also played in the finals of the corresponding year. As you can see, this case occurs especially when countries could win the World Cup twice in succession and compete with similar teams.

Like Cafu, also Ronaldo played for Brazil in 1994, 1998, 2002 and 2006 in the final round of the Football World Cup. However, in 1994, Ronaldo remained without operation and in the other years Brazil could not win the title.

Incidentally, the record for the most World Cup participations (with commitment) is held by other players.
Last update on 2022-12-21 | Created on 2018-06-25

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