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Is Muscle Ache unhealthy?

Question by Guest | 2018-04-27 at 23:13

I regularly have sore muscles after exercising. Of course, I wonder if that can be healthy in the long run. Can you get secondary damage from too much soreness or is it harmful to have sore muscles? Should I avoid the sport?

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As far as I know, muscle soreness is a completely normal condition that can occur after exercise and disappears without any consequential damage. So I think you do not need to worry about stiff muscles after being overworked. Some theories even assume that only the small injuries that result from muscle soreness are making muscles growing and becoming stronger.

I would worry only if you get a feeling of aching muscles that is not clearly due to a sports unit. Then maybe it has other causes and I would go to the doctor.

Also if the soreness does not go away by itself or it can be a deeper injury, you should go to the doctor.
2018-04-27 at 23:29

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