00 Votes

Is Carbonic Acid in Sparkling Water unhealthy?

Question by NoSports | 2011-12-02 at 11:14

As long as I can remember, I prefer sparkling water with carbonic acid. Ordinary tap water or mineral water without carbon dioxide does not taste good to me. Somehow it's too bland, I keep thinking that something is missing in this water and somehow, it also cannot clear my thirst properly.

Now, a good friend of mine (himself an avowed drinker of still water) told me, that I should better switch to still water, as carbon dioxide is said to be unhealthy. It is supposed to attack the stomach lining.

Now, of course, I am insecure. Do someone know something more accurate on this topic?

00 Votes

Some people need to belch of carbon dioxide. Other negative characteristics or even health risks, I do not know.
2011-12-02 at 14:19

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Again and again, I hear, that carbon dioxide can bring the acid-base balance in confusion and similar horror stories. So far, to me no scientific study is familiar and I do not believe that carbon dioxide can be unhealthy. I've never heard of any illness or any upset stomach, which was due to carbon dioxide.
2011-12-02 at 16:50

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00 Votes

As long as you are drinking water and not soft drinks a la Coke, Fanta or other sweetened lotions, you need not concern about your health.
2011-12-03 at 15:27

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Carbon dioxide or CO2 is harmless, when it occurs at lower doses. The normal air, you are breathing out each day, also contains CO2 and you do not die of it either. It becomes only bad, whenever the concentration in the air rises above 10%. But I think, you are far away from that with your water consumption and you also do not inhale your water.
2011-12-04 at 21:16

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00 Votes

By the way, the feeling that the non-carbonated water does not clear properly the thirst, I also had earlier. Apparently, this is mere a matter of habit. At some point, I switched to non-carbonated water and at first, I also thought that this water cannot clear my thirst in any way. Meanwhile, with me, it is almost the other way around.

But I have also to say, that I got never problems because of the carbon dioxide. The change I made, was just for the sake of my partner, so that we do not always have to buy two different kinds of water.
2011-12-04 at 20:15

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