11 Vote

Meaning of NATO and OTAN

Question by Lori | 2024-02-22 at 15:16

As we all know, the NATO logo consists of the two letterings "NATO" and "OTAN". Every time I see this logo I wonder if "OTAN" could have a special meaning or if it is just a mirroring of NATO for logo design purposes only without any special background.

Does anyone know more about this and can tell me what "OTAN" means concretely - if it means something?

2Best Answer2 Votes

"NATO" is the abbreviation for the English name "North Atlantic Treaty Organization". In French, the defense alliance is called "Organization du Traité de l’Atlantique Nord" - abbreviated "OTAN".

Also the Spanish name "Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte" as well as the Portuguese name "Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte" are abbreviated to "OTAN", while in many other non-English-, French-, Spanish- or Portuguese-speaking member states such as Germany, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Norway, Poland or Turkey the English term "NATO" is common.
2024-02-22 at 18:12

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