00 Votes

Should I tighten my belt to look slimmer?

Question by Guest | 2018-04-22 at 15:00

I'm really not fat, but sometimes I have a small tummy, especially after eating.

Now I wonder, if you can not counter this with a tight belt. I mean that you just strap the belt so tight that the belly disappears.

Has any of you had any experience with that or does it that way and has some tips for me?

00 Votes

I think everyone has already made disappear a bit belly under tight clothes and squeezed it away by this means.

My tip is: do not overdo it! Once bacon rolls are visible or any fats are pushed elsewhere, it just looks unfavorable.

However, one or two holes closer to straighten the tummy should be possible. Nevertheless: Always look critically in the mirror so that it does not come to the bacon roll effect.
2018-04-23 at 12:18

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11 Vote

Clothes can definitely be used to look slimmer. Whether this must be the tight belt, you have to decide individually.

Depending on which figure you have, different cuts can be effective.

Also with the belt you must make sure that the overall picture is correct. Perhaps a tail belt or a corset or corsage top is also suitable for your figure. Thereby you can hide a lot.
2018-04-23 at 16:57

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