22 Votes

Tight Jeans and Belts for the Look or for the Feeling?

Voting by Sponx | 2023-07-18 at 12:47

What do you like or dislike about really tight jeans or dresses or belts pulled tighter than necessary, on yourself and others?? The look? The feeling of maybe looking slimmer? The actual feeling the tightness gives you, if any?


4 Votes (20%)
The Look
12 Votes (60%)
The Feeling
4 Votes (20%)

Show: All | The Look | The Feeling | Both | Neutral

11 Vote

Both: Definitely both: On others, I like to see the look. On myself, I like the feeling.

And what do you like most?
2023-07-18 at 18:44

ReplyPositive Negative
00 Votes

It’s comforting, I just like it! Kinda relaxing in some way?
2023-07-22 at 15:15

ReplyPositive Negative
00 Votes

Can you explain what is exactly relaxing about wearing tight jeans?
2023-07-24 at 02:05

Positive Negative
11 Vote

I just like the tightness of jeans and belts. It’s comfy! I like the pressure. Most people don’t. What do you like?
2023-08-06 at 18:01

Positive Negative

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