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Spam-Mails: Do unsubscribe-links have any effect?

Question by Mandy | 2017-05-15 at 23:58

Unfortunately, I am regularly getting lots of spam e-mails. In most e-mails, there is something like "if you do not want to receive this newsletter any more, please click here" or "to unsubscribe, please use the following link" at the bottom of the text.

Of course, there is the temptation to click on one of those links in the hope of starving the spam problem and to finally discontinue those mails, but are those links really working?

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Whether such a link is working or has any effect at all, depends on the seriosity of the sender and must be decided for each individual case:

  • Probably you are able to stop a newspaper of a real serious company with such an unsubscribe link. In such a case, the company finally is interested in not producing any bad customer experiences.
  • However, I would never recommend clicking on any link included in real spam mails. Under no circumstances! Such spammers are often sending their mails to arbitrary e-mail addresses without knowing whether the address is active or even existing. If you click on such a link, you only reveal that your address is active and in use! In most cases this is even resulting in even more spam!

Of course, there is no one hundred percent security that unsubscribing a "newsletter" is working at all. Especially against classical spam mails in which you get those typical unserious offers only a real good spam filter is working.
2017-05-16 at 10:43

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