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Tesco versus Virgin Mobile Phone Signal

Question by Guest | 2015-03-15 at 17:51

My wife's Tesco mobile phone signal is very hit and miss at home (Gotham, Nottingham, UK), but my Virgin mobile is fine.

When we leave the home the situation reverses and she has a great signal, but mine is poor. The signal map for Tesco shows it should be ok in our area.

Is this typical - Any ideas what we can do?

1Best Answer1 Vote

Virgin and Tesco are using different networks. While Virgin Mobile is using the networks of T-Mobile and Orange, Tesco is using the O2 network.

So, you and your wife are using different network operators with different cell towers and that is why, you are getting different phone signals at different places.

It seems as if T-Mobile/Orange has built a better network in the area of your home compared to O2 which can be different at other places.
2015-03-16 at 00:33

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